Ethical Guidelines for College Applications

It is each student’s ethical responsibility to answer honestly all questions on all applications, including questions related to student disciplinary history. The information students provide on applications should be accurate, up-to-date, complete, and free from misrepresentations of fact or material omissions. A student’s failure to answer all questions honestly may result in consequences from colleges, universities, or other schools at which students seek to enroll. Consequences institutions could impose include, but are not limited to, rescinding an offer of admission or selection, termination of employment, and/or disciplinary sanctions or actions.
NCSSM believes in adhering to high ethical standards. Therefore, NCSSM is committed to sharing accurate information with colleges, universities, and other schools at which current and former NCSSM students seek to enroll. While student disciplinary records are not included on a student’s transcript, NCSSM may disclose information about a student’s disciplinary history, including any pending disciplinary charges while a student is enrolled or after a student has withdrawn or graduated from NCSSM should a college, university, or other school at which that student seeks to enroll ask NCSSM for such information.
Generally, NCSSM does not report allegations of violations of the Code of Conduct when a student has not been charged with a violation. If a student is charged with a Code of Conduct violation and withdraws prior to the hearing, NCSSM may share that the student withdrew pending a disciplinary hearing for a specific violation of the Code of Conduct. If a student is found responsible for a violation of the Code of Conduct, NCSSM may share that the student was found responsible for a violation or withdrew following a sanction of dismissal.
NCSSM may, in its discretion, disclose a student’s disciplinary record to an institution at which a student seeks to enroll in order to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals, or pursuant to another exception to student privacy law. Disciplinary information that NCSSM shares in such circumstances may include, but may not be limited to, findings of responsibility for trafficking of illegal substances, assault, weapon possession, and sexual assault or sexual violence offenses.