College Planning

CEEB/School Code  341091

Counseling Services recommends that you take advantage of all of the assessments (personality, strengths, aptitude, and skills), career exploration, college search, planning, and scholarship features on Naviance as well as the College Board's BigFuture and the College Foundation of NC at .

Each year NCSSM's Counseling Services hosts our annual College Fair for students and families. For the 2023-24 school year, we will have our college fair in September on the Friday before Family Day. This is an amazing opportunity to meet and talk with a number of college representatives from all over the U.S. Some college representatives may host informational sessions. Counselors are available to answer questions and facilitate college planning and Naviance sessions. A financial aid expert will present and answer questions to help families understand how to navigate the financial aid process and help find money to pay for college! 

Throughout the year, colleges and universities are invited and may visit campus either in-person or virtually to meet with and present to student. Additionally, our counseling team will provide virtual college information sessions for parents.

Additional Online Resources

Resources for Students and Families

College y Consejos - Free online college advising space that centers cultura y comunidad for students in North Carolina.

College Campus Visit Guide by BigFuture - A visit to a college campus can help you decide if that college is right for you. 

College Greenlight - A successful college and scholarship search for every first-generation and underrepresented student.

Find Colleges - Big Future on CollegeBoard has lots of information about colleges and universities nationwide.

NC Public Universities

NC Private Colleges and Universities

So Much Potential - Tools for College Planning Regardless of Immigration Status

The Hundred-Seven - Positively Promoting the Nation's Historically Black Colleges & Universities